
1738 resultat
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A cat is a lion to mouse-01
A cat is a lion to mouse-01
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A hobbling cat-01
A hobbling cat-01
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A girl with cotton stockings never sees a mouse T-Shirt
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A mouse does not rely on just one hole-01
A mouse does not rely on just one hole-01
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A mouse will scare a thief-01
A mouse will scare a thief-01
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Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in the cage-01
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by gnawing through a dike-01
by gnawing through a dike-01
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Despite all my rage I am still-01
Despite all my rage I am still-01
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Can a mouse fall in love with a cat-01
Can a mouse fall in love with a cat-01
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Fate is not an eagle, it creeps like a rat 2-01
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how now a rat dead, for a ducat dead!-01
how now a rat dead, for a ducat dead!-01
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fate is not an eagle, it creeps like a rat-01
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it was recenty discovered-01
it was recenty discovered-01
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He does not a little who burns his house-01
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The mouse in the wall may look at a cat-01
The mouse in the wall may look at a cat-01
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i beging to smell a rat-01
i beging to smell a rat-01
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To a rat, a small hole is like a door-01
To a rat, a small hole is like a door-01
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world's greatest thief-01
world's greatest thief-01
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I didn’t miss the rat race-01
I didn’t miss the rat race-01
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I would rather be the tail of a lion-01
I would rather be the tail of a lion-01
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I wouldn't mind the rat race-01
I wouldn't mind the rat race-01
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If my love must be a rodent-01
If my love must be a rodent-01
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If you have ground nuts in your room expect rats-01
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If you join the rat race — you're in the race of rats-01
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